It's 9:41 am and I'm in my teeny tiny cubicle at PMRG stuffing a pop-tart in my face. Suddenly, I'm struck with the realization that life has only just begun. I just started thinking about how much I was enjoying my pop-tart when I realized it's not the pop-tart I'm enjoying, it's just my life in general! Yay! What a great and wonderful feeling. 
It's not any one thing in particular that is going so well right now. I think it is just God working in and through every part of my life right now. Or should I say, I'm paying attention to Him doing this now! It's this incredible feeling of peace and encouragement and joy that is present and intense and I'm loving every second of it...
God is good and I hope tomorrow my life is as sweet as a pop-tart just like it is today...